Judge Login
Judging General Instruction

Thank you for agreeing to judge LMA's 2014 Advertising & Promotions Contest. You are performing a valuable service not only for LMA, but also for the entire local media industry! Your thoughtful consideration of and comments on the winning entries will serve as the high standard to which all local media companies will aspire.

All entries have been screened by the LMA staff to ensure that they meet the contest rules (dates of publications are correct, entry fees have been paid, circulation classes have been entered correctly, etc.). It is now your responsibility to ensure that the criteria outlined in the Category List have been met under each category. Please review the Contest Rules, Category Descriptions, and Class List before you begin the selection process so that you are familiar with the contest in general.

To get started, simply copy and paste your Email Address and Password (provided in a separate e-mail) into the appropriate fields and click Login. The welcome page will provide the instructions you need to judge via our online entry platform, created in partnership with Newspaper Toolbox.

Should you have questions at anytime during the judging process, please feel free to contact LMA headquarters at 888-486-2466 or hq@localmedia.org.

Thank you.